Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Ultimate Study Break

Despite impending doom upcoming final exams, I, of course, had to set aside the slightest bit of time to accomplish the necessary, even if it did mean doing it in my scrubs.

We just recently purchased this little gem of a tree.  Remember?  Isn't she a looker?  She fits so perfectly -- er, tightly -- in our little "window nook," as I like to refer to it. 

It's especially charming when we're walking outside and can see the lights shining from the windows of our 15th floor apartment!  :-) 

Oh ... and our little Tootsie, you ask?  Well, she is thoroughly enjoying our new decor.  So what if she's trying to feast on the branches, knock off the ornaments and eat the tree skirt (which may have an eternal "Bitter Apple" spray scent by the time this is all said and done).  Isn't she just the cutest?

Stay tuned, my friends, I have a feeling Christmas tree #2 will be going up soon.  Don't you know I need LOTS of study breaks in order to stay focused?  ;-)