Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

It's that time of week again -- a time to reflect on all the positives in life, even if it is just the small stuff! :-)

Thanks, Jamie, for another What I'm Loving Wednesday link up party!

I'M LOVING this little decorative setup I made in our bathroom!  It's simple, makes a statement, and goes well with the decor theme.  I found the Eiffel Tower in the dollar section at Target{!} and painted it black.  The votive candle and holder cost about two bucks.  The cake stand was a wedding gift.  The rose picture came from Picasa, and its frame was a cheap Pier 1 find.  Smiles for spending little moolah! :-D

I'M LOVING that we were actually able to get Sister Act Broadway tickets for when my mom, sis and sis-in-law are here {in a week-a-and-half}!  They really wanted to see it, so I'm glad we could find a decent discount. {Huge thanks, mom!!!}  This means I'll see the show two weekends in a row!  Yay!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Broadway shows.  LOVE.

I'M LOVING Satsuma scent from The Body Shop.  This scent has stayed at the top of my favorites list for quite some time.  It always brings fond memories of Springtime {even though we got SNOW today ... yuck}.
I'M LOVING this picture of my adorable niece, Gracie, and my bro and sis-in-law's dog, Riley.  It just melts my heart.  Ohmyword ... she is quite possibly the cutest little baby ever.

I'M LOVING this new Kellogg's cereal.  I MUST eat cereal {or oatmeal} every morning, and this really just seems to hit the spot.  The roasted nut and honey is my favorite.  Go try yourself some ... mmmmmm!

Finally, I'M LOVING my hubby!  Even when I'm irritable, stressed and at my worst, he still loves and puts up with me!  I'm so grateful for him!!!

I'm also LOVING this little darling ...



  1. 1. Looooove that cereal!
    2. Why does Tootsie have to be so darn cute?!

  2. My favorite picture of Grace is that one with Riley. I have it on my desktop at work and everyone who sees it automatically smiles!

  3. Can't wait to see you guys next week!

  4. I too am loving that I get to see Sister Act!! And of course I'm loving Miss Grace and Riley!

  5. Thanks for playing along!

    Your niece is such a cutie!
