Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tootsie Roll Tuesday: Hangin' In Albany, NY

Yes, that's right: Little Tootsie has made her way to upstate New York.

But today it's not all about her {for once ... hehe!} 

We are here for Derek.

While he spends 16 hours in bar exam misery {two eight-hour exams in two days}, Tootsie and I are hangin' in our hotel, watching the rain and barking (well, her, not me ;) ... oh holy barking.  Tootsie is a little girl with a BIG bark -- and every time she hears a little peep outside the door, bark mode ensues. :-/ It's made for an interesting day.  Despite that, I do love having my sidekick to keep me company.  {Update: I think she finally barked herself to sleep!}

Anywho, we've been thinking about Derek all day ... hoping and praying that he is killing his exam!  We have no doubt he is, but, shoo ... the stress. {Perhaps I can chalk up Tootsie's barking to anxiety for her pops, added to the fact that she's in unfamiliar surroundings.}
Wherever Tootsie goes, the Potty Patch must follow. ;)
Exploring her new surroundings!  Terrible quality photo because she was too busy sniffing and WOULD NOT sit still!
We'll be headed out in just a bit to pick up Derek from Exam Day 1 {of 3}.  My husband is one hard-working guy, and I sure am lucky to call him mine! 

Here's to one bar exam down -- and a less bar-ky day tomorrow.  ;-)
{P.S. Blogger is being ultra weird with my formatting today.  Sorry 'bout that.}


  1. Cute pictures of Tootsie :) My little Daisy barks at every little noise too!

    Good luck to your hubby!

  2. awe tootsie is so pretty!!
    my mom's dachshund think she is 100lbs when really she is about 5lbs!
    glad you got to bring tootsie with you!

  3. Tootsie is so cute! Homie barks at everything too. Good luck to Derek!! :)

  4. Tootsie is so precious! I've thought about trying the Potty Patch with Riley.

    Good luck to your husband - fingers crossed for him!
