Monday, July 11, 2011

Catching Up/Lately!!

Alrightly, so here goes my 463rd time at reviving this little blog of mine.  After all, it has been 1.5 months {1.5 months!} since my last post.  Sheesh!  I very much envy those of you who can keep up with the daily grind and still find time to blog.  Obviously, I'm still working on that! ;-)

So anyway, here I sit now, finally ready to sum up what the heck we've been up to lately.  Ready??

I finished my dental school year!  Only three more years to go!  I've been study-free since June 27th.  Up until then, this was a consistent scene around our apartment {sorry about the grainy iPhone pic} ...

Yes, that is Little Miss Roll snuggled under the pillow.  She's the best study buddy around, but she sure does get the better deal of the two of us. ;-) 

Speaking of studying, everywhere I turn I see one {or stacks} of these guys ...

Seriously, they're everywhere around here; they're haunting dreams and stealing my husband.  18 days until the BAR exam is over!  Derek has been up to his ears in study material and I don't think he's ever been so anxious to get something over with as he has these exams.  I have no doubt his hard work will be rewarded.  {Ahem ... 18 days ... 18 days ... 18 days ... study-free August ... study-free August ... study-free August} 

Well, in order to keep Derek distraction-free {for a week, anyway}, Tootsie and I made a trip down South to my parents' house in Kentucky.  That's right my friends, Toots took her first flight!  And now, she's a seasoned traveler. ;-)  

Waiting to board at LaGuardia Airport in NYC.  "Whadda we up to, mom??"

All went fairly smoothly, for the most part.  You see, I may have been a wee bit nervous about Toots, and in LaGuardia I may have given her a wee bit too much water {out of fear she was thirsty ... ya weird}, and that may have made her go wee-wee in her bag, right before we boarded the plane.  It was superb.  Thankfully, the nice little flight attendant gave me some sanitizing wipes and we averted a pee crisis.  I cleaned up the bag so as to avoid any stench, gave Toots 1/2 a Benadryl {as recommended by the vet} and on we went.  {I thought I may have been able to avoid drugging her, but once she peed, she became completely stiff and refused to sit or lay down in her bag, so then it was necessary.}

On the way home, though, we were pee-free!  Can you spot here little nose rested on her blanket??

I plan to devote a whole post to my Kentucky trip.  But, for now: In short, I got the chance to chat and catch up with old friends {and their babies} ...

And, I got to spend some QT with my parents, sister, brother, brother-in-law and sister-in-law ... and the cutest little nieces and nephew around.  For some reason, I didn't get any pictures of my sister's kiddos, but here are a few of my brother's and SIL's little love, Grace ...

Happy 4th of July!

Turn your head for this one.  Blogger wouldn't upload it the right way!

Now that Tootsie and I have returned to the concrete jungle, I've been tackling some organizing projects around the apartment.  I hope to have some pictures soon!  Since my hubs has his head stuck in books, I figured this was the best time for me to get these kinds of chores out of the way.

When Derek takes breaks from studying, we hit the gym and try to enjoy the sun as much as possible, mostly by taking Tootsie on extensive walks!

Well, that pretty much wraps it up, for now.

I look forward to catching up with all you guys, too.  I hope you're still reading!! ;-)

Soooooo, here's to summer ... and better blogging!



  1. Glad you're back! I have missed seeing little Tootsie Roll!! The close up pic of her in her "travel bag" is adorable!!
    yay for spending time with family!! :)

  2. Glad to see you back :) I sure hope the next 18 days fly by for you and your hubby!

    Tootsie is just SO cute!

  3. Congrats on finishing your first year of dental school! Those barbri books have taken over my house as well. Good luck to your hubs on the bar exam!!
